



Emma Hart Willard, our founder, was a lifelong advocate 和 champion for women's education. Gender roles were firmly entrenched in the post-Revolutionary War society of America in her youth, 而是艾玛·威拉德的父亲, 塞缪尔·哈特, 鼓励她追求学术和哲学. 13岁的时候, she taught herself geometry 和 had enrolled in the Berlin Academy in Connecticut, where she attended for two years before becoming an instructor there. At the age of 19, she was offered a summer teaching job at a girls' school in Middlebury, 佛蒙特州.

然而, her experience at these "finishing schools" for young women—focused so intently on preparing them for the roles 和 responsibilities society imposed on them at the time—inspired her to chart a new course. In 1814, just 26 years old 和 bearing a financial burden from her father's passing 和 outst和ing debts, Emma Willard opened a new kind of boarding school for intellectually curious women out of her home in Middlebury. This "Middlebury Female Seminary" operated out of Madame Willard's living room for five years, a fledgling foundation for what would become a transformational educational institution.

Emma Hart Willard's %22Plan for Female Education%22 from the 足球比赛下注 archives.

Madame Willard's plan from the 足球比赛下注 archives.

In 1819, 基于她经营家庭神学院的经验, 艾玛·威拉德写了《足球比赛购买平台》," a proposal addressed to the 纽约 State Legislature which argued a practically unheard of concept at that time: young women needed access to the same subjects of learning as young men. 然而,, her direct experience as both a student 和 an 教育家 in other female academies lent credence to her idea 和 soon some of the most influential members of early American society had joined her cause, 包括约翰·亚当斯, 托马斯·杰斐逊, 和, 最重要的是, 纽约州州长德威特·克林顿.

With stalwart support from Governor Clinton 和 纽约 residents, Emma Willard relocated her seminary first to the town of Waterford, 纽约和, in 1821, ultimately established the 特洛伊 Female Seminary in the growing industrial 和 trade center of 特洛伊, 纽约. Madame Willard remained head of the Seminary until 1838 和 passed in 1870, 看到她的梦想实现了. In 1895, the Seminary was renamed The 足球比赛下注 For 女孩 和 in 1910 work began on a new, 在艾达山上扩建了校园,包括宿舍, 体育馆和高耸的石塔. 在“艾达之巅”,足球比赛购买平台还在, carrying on the enduring legacy 和 vitality of Emma Hart Willard's vision into this third century of operation.

出身卑微, this institution has assumed a place at the forefront of innovation in American education 和 the women's empowerment movement around the world. Emma Hart Willard’s ideals as a young woman led to a storied tradition we celebrate to this day at 足球比赛下注.



This timeline highlights key dates 和 moments in our long history as the first institution of higher learning for girls.
A wealth of documents, photographs, 和 records may be accessed by contacting the 足球比赛下注档案.



Emma Hart Willard opens her first school for girls in the living room of her home in Middlebury, 佛蒙特州


Madame Willard's h和written notes for her proposal to NYS legislature

Madame Willard presents her “Plan for Improving Female Education” to Governor Clinton 和 the 纽约 Legislature


Document showing the incorporation of the Waterford Female Academy

学校搬到了沃特福德, 纽约 with support from Governor Clinton 和 funding from local residents



特洛伊, 纽约居民补助4美元,为了把神学院搬到市中心, 现在是拉塞尔塞奇学院的校园



艾玛·哈特·威拉德去世,享年83岁, 著名作家, 制图师, 教育家, 也是女权运动的先驱


Students unveil a statue of Emma Hart Willard at the Russell Sage Hall in 特洛伊, NY

三座新建筑和威拉德夫人雕像揭幕, 学校更名为“艾玛哈特威拉德女子学校”



第一期 三角形 published including creative writing, academic calendar, alumnae notes, 和 local advertisements



Alumna 和 noted philanthropist Olivia Slocum Sage (Class of 1847) funds construction of a new campus on Mount Ida



首演 狂欢, the most beloved of Emma traditions, a clever adaptation of a "mummers' play"



第一次世界大战后,学校重新启用了寄宿制度. 伊丽莎·凯拉斯,她推动董事会增加了一个宿舍


Students portray their "guinea pig" status under correlated curriculum

教学法的创新转变, 在各学科之间建立“相关课程”, 人文学科, 和宗教



Issues of Civil Rights 和 race in politics were a prominent fixture of campus life 和 student volunteerism in the 1960s



Harvard researcher Carol Gilligan completes her influential "Dodge Study" of female adolescents with Emma Willard



After 30 years without new construction, the Cheel Aquatic Center opens due to funding from Helen S. Cheel 1923


A rear facing view of the Hunter 科学 Center at 足球比赛下注

亨特科学中心开放, a carefully planned addition to Weaver Hall 和 named in honor of Irene M. 猎人1935



足球比赛下注 celebrates its bicentennial year—just a few years behind the nation's—with a campus celebration


Jenny Rao at the inauguration ceremony for headship in 2017

饶女士于10月19日正式就任校长, assuming the 17th headship of the school since its founding


Confetti is shot into the air at the launch of the Infinite Horizon campaign

无限的地平线,with a goal of $175 million raised by 2026—is launched as the largest campaign in the history of girls' schools